Page 28 - Noir106 Femme Fatale
P. 28

I know dead and dead is what she was. It was a blonde, her head bashed in by the pool outside. Her body was wet from the rain and most of the blood had been washed away. The murder weapon was right beside the body.”
[A scream off stage:]
Daphne: “That’s Hannah Thomas, Howard’s latest mistress! Is, , ... is she dead?”
Jack: “Deader than yesterday’s tuna. I thought I told you to wait inside. Go phone Detective Redmond, while I look around. The killer may still be here.”
[sound of Daphne’s footsteps, high heels, moving away]
Jack voiceover: [theme music soundtrack]
“So I looked around. I checked out the pool cabana and found another stiff lounging in a pool chair. Who ever had killed him had been creative. He’d died hard. Mr. de Beauvoir I presume. I hauled Mrs. de Beauvoir back down to the police station. Gotta say I admired her. She was a cool customer.”
Commercial/Sponsor Break: (Ron Leunissen @ronald_2008)
Strike Anywhere Matches - Written by Mariana Funes (@mdvfunes) with voice talent of Karen Young (@Karenatsharon)
[Sounds of police precinct in background-typewriters, phones, voice in the background]
Jack: “Let’s run through it again Mrs. de Beauvoir. You gave the servants the day off and neither you, nor the servants saw anything suspicious outside?”
Daphne: “Well, that’s correct. It’s been foggy and misty, so why would any of us go outside?”
Jack:“And you and your husband had a good relationship, even though he was fooling around?”
Daphne: “I had the breeding and the good bone structure. Howard had the cash. Together we made a whole person. We were happy, in our own way.”
Jack: “But you didn’t love him. I can see it in your face. You were more upset about the death of his mistress than Howard’s death.”
Daphne: “Well, it’s always hard when a woman with good dress sense dies. They are so few and far between.”
Jack: “Listen, did you love him or not?”

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