Conversation Sign-Up

Who Are You? Why Are You Still Here?

Open course for digital storytelling

Open course for digital storytelling brought to you by UMW

We’d like to know who you are, what are your thoughts about ds106, and share it with the rest of the DS106ers by submitting of a 3-5 minute audio self-reflection responding to the following:

  • Hi, my name is ….
  • I live in …..
  • I am currently a…. [i.e. UMW Student, DS106 Instructor, Open Online Student, UMW Faculty, DS106 Mentor, Other]
  • I started with session….
  • What brought me to DS106?
  • Why am I still here?
  • Listen to an example

You can produce the audio segment yourself, or you can sign up to be contacted by Rockylou (Rochelle Lockridge) to hold and record a short Skype conversation and she’ll produce a segment for you. The audio clips will be featured on future episodes of the LoDown.

[Meet the DS106 Community]

Please complete the form below and we will contact you to arrange a time to meet on Skype or you may simply upload your own 3-5 min audio file.

Your Name (required)

Your Email (required)

Your Website (required)

Your Twitter Handle (required)

Skype Name or Contact Phone #

Where do you live?


How would you identify yourself? (Check all that apply.)
UMW StudentUMW FacultyOpen Online StudentDS106 InstructorDS106 MentorOther

How would you like to participate?

What brought you to DS106?

Why are you still here?

Additional Comments. Include the best time to contact you.

If you are providing your own audio file, provide a link to your file or blog post..

We'd like to see what you look like too. Please upload a photo or image (jpg format) that you feel represents who you are.

Are you a real person? Type the word below and I'll know for sure.



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