Tag Archives: AnimatedGIFAssignments911

RLP Under Construction


Rockylou Productions Under Construction

August 2013 GIF Challenge #6:  Sophisticate Your Own, Personal “Under Construction” GIF


 DS106 AnimatedGIFAssignments911

RLP_Logo_27leavesThe Rockylou Productions logo was created by my daughter, Amber Lockridge, as a surprise gift for me back in October of 2012. It was fun to animate our webheader to create this Under Construction GIF.  It was a simple cut, copy and pasting of the letters and parts into different layers using the full version of Photoshop. Once the layers were in place, selecting the appropriate layers and timing to be visible during the animation sequence.  Nothing to this one.

The tough part of this GIF challenge is going to be figuring out how to customize my Error 404 page.  After reading a helpful post from WordPress.org, it looks like my theme doesn’t have a 404 Template page.  I think this part of the challenge will have to wait until the DS106 Headless Course  boot camp begins on August 26th, 2013.

In the meantime you can check out another error page I had to create for visitors trying to find this blog from my regular Rockylou Productions site.