Category Archives: Thoughts and Ideas

Reflecting on DS106

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Prompted by comments and discussions with scottlo, our DS106 audio mentor, I’ve taken the time to reflect upon and record my thoughts and impressions with the University Mary Washington open online course in digital story telling.

I find that the open, collaborative, and sometimes chaotic nature of the course allows for a tremendous amount of creativity to be unleashed, and I feel inspired by the quality of work put out there by the entire ds106 community.

There is something different going on here. We are learning from and teaching each other: Teacher to student, student to teacher, mentor to teacher, teacher to mentor, mentor to student.   Bringing our “A” game, which inspires others to do the same.  It’s not just happening in closed classrooms, but globally, across generations, synchronously and asynchronously.

[DS106ers can submit their own self-reflection here.]

 This is what the future of education can be.

DS106 Log0

UMW Open Online Course in Digital Storytelling

Note: The background music is a self-recorded version of “Can’t Find My Way Home”, written by Steve Winwood. (Often attributed to Eric Clapton.) I like the song, especially the way it sounds when I play it in on my 12-string guitar, but I don’t feel inspired by the original famous lines:

But I’m near the end and I just ain’t got the time
And I’m wasted and I can’t find my way home.

  My version, “Findin’ My Way Home”, changes the lyrics to something I can get behind and sing from my heart:

Near the end and I just ain’t got the time
To be wasted cause I’m findin’ my way home.

Bumping The LoDown

What better way to show my appreciation than create a series of radio show bumpers for my teacher.

Scott Lo hosting the LoDown for DS106 this summer


AudioAssignments36 to create a DS106 Radio Bumper


HAPPY STUDENT improving her audio storytelling skills


5 different LoDown bumpers for Scott to use freely on his radio show and blog posts

What is a bumper? It is a short recording that identifies the radio station with signature music or an expression that makes sure the listeners know what they are tuned into.

Lo DownThere’s no mistaking that you know where you are and where you’re tuned into with this set of bumpers.  I used as my foundation a single voice track that I recorded while in the grocery store parking lot with a new iPhone app, Recordium, that I downloaded yesterday at the recommendation of Scott on LoDown episode 12.  Then the real fun began …….

I’ve been experimenting lately with how a soundtrack can drastically change the mood of the media project I’m working with. A few months back I was creating a photo slideshow for a friend, and it was amazing how the flow of images, and our decision to add title text or not, was altered by the choice of music.  I’m able to illustrate that effect at some level with this set of bumpers.  The spoken audio remains the same, just new music underneath.

I had plans to really show this effect by adding a soundtrack that was silly or comedic. But sadly, couldn’t find an audio file in my stock list of jingles and stingers in GarageBand that fit the bill.  I’m still giggling though at finding the Medal Ceremony (LoDown3) and Broadcast News (LoDown 5) clips.  I hope Scott will be just as amused and want to use them for DS106 Audio Week. 😉 I’d highly recommend anyone who hasn’t worked with soundtracks to try something like this.  You gain a whole new understanding and appreciation for the emotional power of sound.

One last note: I’m sure most of us have run up against the powers that be and have had issues with YouTube or Facebook taking down our videos (or highjacking them by adding product advertisements – grrrrr)  because of Copyright Infringement.  My way of addressing this from the beginning is to use the Vimeo Music Store to locate tracks I can use legally without question. You can even create custom tracks that perfectly fit your videos.  It’s a great resource and there is a lot there. There are free creative commons, $1.99 personal use licenses, and $20+ commercial use licenses available.   I’ll test a tracks suitability and mood by having two windows open on my computer, one playing the slideshow the other playing the music file on Vimeo.  Then when I find something I like, I pay the $1.99 just like on iTunes, and download it. Check it out.

[Other Radio Bumper projects I’ve completed: Obruni Podcasts, Mashing for DS106 Radio)]