May 27, 2011 06:43 PM
What a long winter. Spring is finally here…. I think…

Our Obruni podcast series has been on hold while I’ve been hard at work, literally at 3M, and continuing to work on my creative projects down in Studio B, and Amber has been occupied with her Unity Singers and gestating a new little soul. Yes indeed… she is pregnant and my first grandchild is expected to be born on July 27, 2011. I’ll be one of Amber’s birthing coaches along side her husband. I was very excited and honored to be invited to her ultrasound at the beginning of April. I even created a sweet video to record the occasion, Amber’s Ultrasound: B-4mths. My grandson is already a star!
With only two months left to the blessed day, Amber and I are trying to lay down at least the narration for the remainder of the Obruni series. We should have the third episode, ‘A Few Notes On Transportation’ posted soon. And then you won’t want to miss the fourth episode: ‘The Devil’s Hairground’ or ‘All’s Hair in Love and War’. It’s been tough to keep my laughter under control during the recording sessions. She is also writing pieces about her experiences during her pregnancy that we plan to make into another series.