Communicating With My Abstract Brain (3M-DS106 Repost)

Five Card Story: Communicating with My Scattered Abstract Brain

This is a repost from “MA” an internal 3M-DS106 Salon member 

a Five Card Flickr story created by MA

Not too long ago, I learned about Insights communication color energies:

– cool BLUE: energy for observing & thinking,

– fiery RED: for taking action & directing,

– sunshine YELLOW: for motivating & inspiring, 

– earth GREEN: for helping & sharing.

I wanted to interpret the concept of communication and these color energies in this Five Card Story challenge. 

sunshine YELLOW

flickr photo by bionicteaching

earth GREEN

flickr photo by Danny Nicholson

fiery RED

flickr photo by Serenae

cool BLUE

flickr photo by bionicteaching


flickr photo by bionicteaching

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